From November 15 to December 1, 2021, Senior Research Fellow Dr. Nadezhda Khokholkova and Junior Research Fellow Valentina Bryndina conducted field research in Tanzania, supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation (project №18-18-00454 "Historical Memory as the Evolutional Factor of Socio-Political Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Mesoamerica"). The study focused on the historical memory of European colonialism.
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In November 2020 Valentina N. Bryndina accomplished the fourth season of field research in the United Republic of Tanzania, dedicated to the historical memory of the Arab slave trade and Сolonial rule in Zanzibar. The researcher has conducted interviews in several districts of the Island (Stone town, Mtendeni, Mbweni).
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In August-September 2020 Anastasia A. Banshchikova, Oxana V. Ivanchenko and Valentine N. Bryndina accomplished the third season of field research in the United Republic of Tanzania, dedicated to the historical memory of the Arab slave trade. The researchers have conducted interviews in Dar es Salaam, Bagamoyo and Zanzibar, with parishioners of the Anglican Church of Zanzibar. The latter interviews are of particular interest, since a significant part of the worshippers are descendants of slaves.
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From 5 to 19 of November 2019 Research Fellow Dr. Nadezhda Khokholkova and a student from Russian State University for the Humanities Mariia Sergeeva conducted field research in Tanzania, supported by Russian Scientific Foundation (project №18-18-00454 "Historical Memory as the Evolutional Factor of Socio-Political Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Mesoamerica"). The study focused on the historical memory of the slave trade and colonialism. Read more
On October 1, 2019, the round table "New Trends in African Studies: Historical, Anthropological, and Gender Aspects" was held at the Institute for African studies. The event was organized by the Center for History and Cultural Anthropology in cooperation with the Center for Sociological and Political Sciences. The round table was arranged to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the Institute for African Studies and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Group of Gender Studies. Read more
On November 14, 2018, the international scientific conference «Youth in the socio-political and cultural life of Africa» was held at the Institute for African studies. The conference was organized by the Center for sociological and political studies of the Institute for African studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Russian-African relations and foreign policy of the African countries of the Institute for African studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Center of History and Cultural Anthropology of the Institute for African studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Center for global and strategic studies of the Institute for African studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the laboratory of Oriental and African studies of the General History Department of the Yaroslavl Demidov State University. Read more
From 16 to 27 of October 2018 Social Anthropologists of the Institute for African Studies (RAS): corresponding member of the RAS, Dr. Sc.(Hist), prof. D. Bondarenko (project manager), junior research fellow A. Lapushkina, folklorist of the World Literature Institute (RAS) – V.Klyaus, and the head of the Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church mission in Uganda – Priest N. Bobkov, worked in the Republic of Uganda (in the capital Kampala and Nakabaale, Kisojjo, Kapeke).Read more
From 24 of August till 14 of September senior research fellow Anastasia A. Banshchikova and junior research fellow Oxana V. Ivanchenko conducted a field research in Tanzania, supported by Russian Scientific Foundation (project №18-18-00454)
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5-7 February 28, 2017 the Institute for African Studies hosted a meeting with colleagues from the Royal Museum of African Art, Brussels. Prof. Dmitri Bondarenko, Deputy Director of the Institute, discussed with Dr. Bambi Ceuppens and Christine Bluard the History of African Art studies in Russia, cooperation and upcoming exhibition, initiated by the Royal Museum for Central Africa, in collaboration with the Centre for Fine Arts Brussels in Moscow.Read more
5-7 December 2016 members of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in annual 39th Conference of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) in Perth, Western Austalia.Read more
Third season of field research by members of the Institute for African Studies in the USA. From September 20 to October 6, 2015, the research into the mutual perceptions of, and relationship between recent migrants from sub-Saharan Africa and African Americans, launched by the Institute for African Studies in 2013, was continued in the cities of St. Louis, MO and New York, NY. The research is supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities (projects 13-01-18036 and 14-01-00070). Read more
Tanzania. The interview of Prof. Dmitry Bondarenko for the program «Faith, Hope, Alexey» at the «Mayak» radio station. The United Republic of Tanzania is the Eastern African state, the member of the Commonwealth of Nations. In the North it borders with Kenya and Uganda, in the West – with Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo, in the South – with Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique. The Indian Ocean is the Eastern border of the country. Read more
14-15 May 2015 The first scientific colloquium "African Studies: Perspectives from Russia and Slovenia"The first scientific colloquium "African Studies: Perspectives from Russia and Slovenia" was held on 14-15 May 2015 at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Ljubljana (Slovenia). The event was organized jointly by the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, by the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, and the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Slovenia. Read more
Letter of gratitude the Embassy of the Republic of Namibia. It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I express, on behalf of the staff at the Embassy of the Republic of Namibia and on my own behalf, our appreciation to the Institute for African Studies, for having organized the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Namibia's Independence at the Institute. Read more
On April 28, 2015, in the Conference Hall of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Her Excellency Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Rwanda to the Russian Federation Doctor Jeanne d`Arc MUJAWAMARIYA delivered a lecture titled: "Denial as one of the ten stages of genocide: The case of the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi in Rwanda." Read more
Interview of the Vice Director of the Institute Prof. Dmitri M. Bondarenko to the Embassy of Rwanda in Russia. April 7th marks the yearly anniversary of the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi. Within the space of one hundred days in 1994, from April to June, more than 1 million people were systematically killed in Rwanda by Rwandans in what has become known as one of the most shameful episodes of the twentieth century. Read more
April 17, 2015 Dr. Dmitry M. Bondarenko took part in the talk show "Myths of History". An ancient civilization, a study of which was begun by Phoenician sailors. A large part of the African continent remained unexplored and full of mysteries until the 18th century. Our guest, Dr.Sc. (Hist.), Prof. Dmitry Bondarenko spent a lot of time in scientific expeditions studying the culture and history of African peoples. Read more
Prof. Vladimir Shubin visited the Republic of Namibia from 20 to 25 March at the inivitation of President-elect Dr Hage Geingob to attend his inauguration and celebration of the 25th anniversary of independence. During his stay in the country he delivered a lecture at the University of Namibia and had meetings with Secretary-General of the ruling SWAPO Party Nangolo Mbamba, Speaker of the National Assembly Prof. Peter Kaijavivi, Deputy Prime-Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Netumba Nandi-Ndaitwah, Minister of Presidential Affiars Frans Kapofi and other officials and veterans of the national liberation struggle. Read more