D.Sc., Professor, Ph.D. (Honoris Causa), University of the Western Cape (South Africa).
RSCI AuthorID: 484042
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 2456-7153
Scopus ID: 57191093546
Researcher ID: T-2509-2017
The recent history of Southern African countries.
Relations of the USSR/Russia and other leading world nations with African states.
Politics and practice of the international social democracy.
Ph.D., Center Chair
RSCI AuthorID: 303133
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 4841-0622
Modern and contemporary history of South Africa;
Education and Southern Africa's cultures
Ph.D., Senior Researcher Fellow
RSCI AuthorID: 554293
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 8072-6914
Scopus ID: 57216357452
Researcher ID: E-6671-2018
women in Ancient Egypt;
cultural anthropology of Ancient Egypt;
perception of Ancient Egypt in medieval Arab sources;
historical memory of the slave trade and colonialism in modern Tanzania;
German colonial legacy in modern Tanzania;
Tanganyika’ colonial photography and postcards;
history of Bagamoyo.
Ph.D., Senior Researcher Fellow
RSCI AuthorID: 458088
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 6401-8079
Researcher ID: AGN-8698-2022
Media studies;
Relations between mass media, state and society;
informational globalization; multicultural societies;
xenophobia, tolerance/intolerance attitudes in mass media;
cross-cultural communication;
image of Africa and Africans: mass media and mass culture aspects.
Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow
RSCI AuthorID: 741118
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 2569-3655
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5165-1925
Scopus ID: 57193257052
Researcher ID: ABE-6953-2020
Intellectual history of Africa and African Diasporas;
History of Afrocentric movement;
Cultural identity and historical memory;
Decolonial and postcolonial studies.
Junior Researcher Fellow
RSCI AuthorID: 1009645
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 1866-3797
Scopus ID: 57217164677
History of Christianity in Tanzania
Muslim-Christian relations in Zanzibar
Interconfessional relations in modern Tanzania
Historical memory of the slave trade in modern Tanzania
Anton Kupalov-Yaropolk
Junior Researcher Fellow
RSCI AuthorID: 1227548
SPIN-code: 5616-8778
ORCID: 0009-0006-3771-1780
Interethnic conflicts
National construction
Military history of sub-Saharan Africa
History and social anthropology of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde
Junior Researcher Fellow
RSCI AuthorID: 1102634
SPIN-code: 6127-2154
French colonial policy in Algeria
Saint-Simonians in Algeria
French colonialism
Colonial ideology